Cables & Connectors

Luxi designed and made HDMI cables now have more than half of the market share in the CEDIA market, one quarter of the market share in the Infocomm and CES markets each, thanks to the Luxi patented HDMI locking connectors and patent pending SuperSlim HDMI connectors
The industry’s only 18 Gbps active cable line that:
1) 100% compatible with MacBook Pro
2) As long as 20 m (66′)
3) With locking connectors
4) With female micro USB conn for optional power
Now shipping (under OEM brands) Specs

The 5-minute* HD DIYTM field termination system with ribbon cables (for super fast termination)

DIY-30BS10 HDMI DIY connectors for ribbon cables
Now shipping Brochure Specs User manual Clamshell image

HD-30RB250 ribbon HDMI raw cable spool, 250′
Now shipping Brochure Specs User manual Cable image

DIY-28T hand tool for both DIY systems Now shipping Brochure Specs Instruction card User manual for regular or ribbon system

The 10-minute* HD DIYTM field termination system with regular cables (for longer cable runs and cable repairs)

DIY-28DS10 HDMI DIY connectors for regular cables Now shipping Brochure Specs User manual Clamshell image

HD-28RD250 regular HDMI raw cable spool, 250′
Now shipping Brochure Specs User manual
HD-28RD500 regular HDMI raw cable spool, 500′
Now shipping Brochure Specs User manual
Cable image

DIY-28T hand tool for both DIY systems Now shipping Brochure Specs Instruction card User manual for regular or ribbon system
*Actual termination time depends on the installer’s experiences and skills